Khub Chand Jain,
(The Day I retire from
Govt.service, sixty years
after I was born.)
First that I was born a human being and not one of the brutes.
Second that I was born a man and not a woman.
Third that I was born an Indian nor a barbarian,
Fourth that I was born a Jain not a heathen.
Fifth that I was born with complete set of five senses and am not physically handicapped
But alas! The grand opportunity offered to me by nature is being frittered away and now I find there is a complete bank-ruptcy of Right Conduct.
Kahe kis munh se jaoge Ghalib
Sharm tum ko mager nahin ati.
O Ghalib, with what face will you go to Kaba you don’t feel shy of your conduct.
Man nakardam shuma hazar bakuved
Well, I did not but I do exhort you to be beware.